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Chinese translation for "baja california"


Related Translations:
baja:  巴哈巴贾巴亚巴扎巴娅包姚鲍尧低下亡命霹雳胆
baja verapaz:  下韦拉帕斯
villalba baja:  下比利亚尔瓦
baja oklahoma:  冷芳心
baja bukit:  巴贾山
penamellera baja:  下佩尼亚梅列拉
baja pta:  巴哈角
brena baja:  下布雷尼亚
toa baja:  下托阿
vega baja:  下维加
Example Sentences:
1.Baja california , mexico
2.An irrigation canal reflects dawn - stained skies over imperial valley , a fertile farming region just north of baja california
3.Located in the central part of the peninsula of baja california , the sanctuary contains some exceptionally interesting ecosystems
4.My wife , judith , our two - year - old daughter , leila , and i had rented a small camper and were traveling through baja california
5.During a 1997 vacation to mexico ' s baja california , close and her daughter annie joined a whale watching expedition to a coastal lagoon
6." when the police arrived they took the helmet off the corpse , believing at first that he had died in the crash , " said francisco castro , a spokesman for the baja california state police ' s homicide division
墨西哥下加利福尼亚州警方凶杀调查组发言人弗朗西斯科卡斯特罗说: “警方在到达现场后立即将头盔从尸体上取下来,最初甚至相信此人是在车祸中被撞身亡的。
7.Before coming to mit , he worked on instrumentation research projects at the national astronomical observatory of maxico . he earned a bachelor s degree in computer science and engineering from the university of baja california in 1999
在加入mit前,他在墨西哥国家天文台进行工具测试研究专案,一九九九年,他在加州university of baja取得他的资讯科学与工程学士学位。
8." ocean oasis " , a new giant - screen film , is a fascinating journey into the bountiful seas and pristine deserts of two remarkably different , but inextricably linked worlds - mexico s sea of cortes and the baja california desert
9.From c . 100 b . c . to a . d . 1300 , the sierra de san francisco ( in the el vizcaino reserve , in baja california ) was home to a people who have now disappeared but who left one of the most outstanding collections of rock paintings in the world
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